In that case, disable TCP segmentation offloading by running ethtool -offload eth0 tso off or adding -K iface tso off to ETHTOOL_OPTIONS in /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth0. If connection drops, check for message NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out. Laptops - Desktops - Servers - Virtual Machinesīluetooth adapters - Digital cameras - Firewire cards - Floppy drives - Gadgets - IDE + SATA cards - Keyboards - Motherboards - Monitors - Modems - Network adapters (Wired) - Network adapters (Wireless) - Optical media (CD, DVD, Blueray) - Phones, handsets, mobile/cell - Printers - RAID Controllers - Scanners - SCSI adapters - Sound cards - TV cards - UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) - Video cards - Web cameras